Opening Up: A Guide to Discussing Your Mental Health By Shamindri De Sayrah

May 31, 2024

Blog Post



Opening Up: A Guide to Discussing Your Mental Health 

By Shamindri De Sayrah


“Your mind matters. Talk about it.” These simple yet powerful words underscore the importance of open dialogue surrounding mental health. However, as someone who has grappled with depression and epilepsy, I understand first-hand the challenges of opening up. It’s not easy. I myself have closed off to the point where all people would see was my mask, but never the struggle within, at some point, I learned to open up, and I’m here to help you do the same.

“But what if I’m not ready? What if now doesn’t feel like the right time?” It’s crucial to recognize that everyone’s path to openness is unique, and that is okay. Take the time you need. Here’s a guide to help you navigate this journey and gradually build the confidence to share your story, with the right people.


Understand Your Hesitation

Before diving into conversation, it’s essential to understand what’s holding you back. Fear, embarrassment, confusion? These emotions often lurk beneath the surface. Before asking for help, ask yourself these 3 important questions that should help you ascertain where exactly you are in your journey.

  1. Do you believe asking for help is a sign of weakness?
  2. Do you worry about burdening others with your struggles?
  3. Are you unsure of what you need, hindering your ability to ask for help?

Once you have figured out what it is that is holding you back, you must realise that

By understanding your hesitations, you can take the next step towards open conversation.

Choosing Who to Talk To

It can be scary to open up to someone who knows you well, but trust me it helps. If you have a trusted support system whom you can open up to it helps tremendously. Identifying these supportive listeners is key. Seek out those who approach your feelings with empathy and understanding. These individuals can provide the safe space you need to share your experiences when you’re ready. It can be friends, family, or loved ones it can even be someone who has gone through the same thing as you.


Writing as a Release

While verbal communication is the goal here, writing can serve as a therapeutic outlet as well. Whether it’s through journaling, jotting down thoughts, or composing a letter, expressing your emotions on paper can help you navigate the complexities of your mental health journey. For me as you can see it was writing articles, short stories, poetry and essays. This offered me a release for my emotions and non-emotions throughout my mental health journey.


Empower Yourself Through Research

Knowledge is empowering. Take the time to educate yourself about your mental health concerns. Armed with information, you’ll feel more confident discussing your experiences and seeking support from others.

Find Inspiration in Others’ Stories

Feeling alone in your struggles is a common hurdle. Yet, many have walked a similar path. Present company included. Exploring personal mental health narratives can provide solace and encouragement, reminding you that you’re not alone and inspiring you to start your journey of openness.

Seek Support Beyond Your Circle

Opening up to loved ones can be terrifying sometimes, you might find yourself thinking “What if they don’t understand? What if they judge me?” in such instances, reaching out to a stranger, such as a counsellor, therapist or even calling a mental health hotline can offer a sense of relief. Starting with someone unconnected to your personal life can provide a safe space to share your feelings without fear of judgment. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can reach out to the National Mental Health Helpline at the National Institute of Mental Health on 1926, you can also reach out to Sumithrayo on 0707308308.

Opening up about your mental health is a courageous step toward healing and well-being. While the journey may be challenging, it’s one worth embarking on. Speaking from experience, you can simply be numb in silence, or you can choose the tougher and more rewarding course, because the hardest thing you will ever have to do, is ask for help. I’m not going to lie and say it will all be rainbows and sunshine, but once you take that first step and start that first conversation, that load you’ve been carrying will be a lot lighter. Remember, your experiences are valid, and your voice deserves to be heard. By surrounding yourself with support, and gradually finding your voice, you can begin to break down barriers and embrace the power of conversation in your mental wellness journey. Your mind matters—never hesitate to talk about it.

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