July 5, 2021




Neither am I among the dead nor among the living.
Tell me, what am I meant to do?
Hearts were torn apart before they could be tied.
Souls were separated in a chasm so wide.
Destiny has taken my beloved away from me.
How do I live each day? Without you, it’s a desolate bay.
Neither do I live nor do I die.
When a dream is shattered in a moment.
The world feels deserted when your beloved isn’t yours anymore.
The world is deserted when your beloved is no longer yours.
Why does this happen?
when this heart sobs, around me the howling winds toss.
The nights are unhappy and the days are colorless.
There are absolute desolation and utter loneliness, followed by me without
When it only takes a little to break a dream, the world feels empty.
The world feels void when your loved one is no longer yours.
The world feels empty.
In this city of stones, faces and hearts are made of stones, too.
Why are you wandering in the streets aimlessly?
You’re not going to achieve anything here.
In this city of stones, faces and hearts are made of stones, too.
Why are you wandering in the streets aimlessly?
You’re not going to achieve anything here.

By Shamahir

Post by Chokolaate

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