ACTUALLY lousy Chinese – 660 (Lunch time luxury combo)

After our “brief” (yeah let’s call it that) hiatus we come to you, only 3 weeks later,  with the goods. As with anything in life, there’s good AND bad. This, our lovely children, was one such bad experience but we learn and we grow ..? right ?

Shall we lay down the facts then ?

  1. We got paychecks
  2. We want to give in
  3. We realize we owe a lot of people, money
  4. We can’t afford it
  5. We open UberEats nevertheless (sozz boujee habits)
  6. We go on deals, we succumb to what we now call…..lousy Chinese

Chinese Dragon Cafe, we’ll call it CDC for short, lured us in with their Fried rice with veg and egg, 2 buffalo wings , 2 veg spring rolls, sweet corn with veg and egg combo but left us heart broken like a 3rd grade school crush.

Kick starting with the spring rolls which were veg meaning we HAD to make our resident vegetarian (Kavi) try and give us her feedback. She said and we quote, “this is very crispy but very bland at the same time”. So there you go, we’ll leave a pro vegetable connoisseur to speak on her forte.

The only savior of the whole combo – the sweet corn soup with veg and egg was glorious. Thick, filling and very yummy. Granted, it would’ve been better if it were hotter (like all things in life) we can NOT complain. With bits of corn, egg AND chicken (which wasn’t in the description, we love a good surprise)! Got our motors running, really. This is the direction y’all need to head in CDC, take notes.


The veg and egg fried rice followed the similar pattern of being severely underwhelming. We’d eat this, don’t get us wrong cause hello, necessity knows no laws – even if it means having to  eat this criminal of a DRY fried rice. We tried our best to salvage the situation by even pouring some soup into the rice but it couldn’t be revived💔


The buffalo wings tasted (to put it lightly) like dry fish and hey, with a good pol sambol or a kiri hodi we would’ve enjoyed this bad (like not in a cool way) boy.

There was flavour..ish but we can’t see ourselves getting excited about this, even on days we eat Keells cheese & onion bread (which might we add, is a gem) dipped in cup noodles. 

For context + the lols:

With that our ratings are as follows;

  • Value for money – 7/10
  • Taste and appeal – 4/10 (purely cause of that soup)
  • If it fill us up – 7/10
  • Chances of us having it again – 2/10

You can find Chinese Dragon Cafe on UberEats or PickMe foods or arrange direct delivery via Instagram. 

Quick disclaimer: this is OUR opinion and could vary from yours based on the outlet/chef/day. We’d order from CDC again, maybe not this combo but definitely that soup. If you do try this, hope it’s better (we really are idealistic parents – wanting what’s best for our children and what not 😁). 

Stay safe because being broke is better than contracting an unwanted virus. And with that clearly very informative and original parting note, we part. Stay broke and hungry till next Thursday ( or Friday because we are not reliable, evidently). 

By Maheli Sri Gintotage & Sakuni Wisanperuma

Post by Chokolaate

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