Four simple steps on how best to ‘know your audience and capitalize’ ?

June 19, 2021

Blog Post



Creating Content can be very challenging at times. Especially when you don’t know who you’re creating  content  for.  You  create  content  with  the  intention  of  engaging  with  your  potential customers,  right?  This  would  work  best  when  you  have  a  clear  idea  on  who  your  potential customers are and what they’re looking for.

For example, developing content without knowing your audience is would be like trying to find a pin a giant haystack.  Almost Impossible.

But if you were given a precise point in the haystack to look for, it would be much easier and would rapidly increase the chances of success. This is exactly how knowing your audience and what exactly they want would help you when developing content.


What does ‘Knowing your Audience’ mean?

In the most basic form ‘Knowing your audience’ means that you’re aware of who exactly you’re creating content for. The demographics that’d find the most use in your product or service. This is known as the target audience.

Here’re some ways that can be used to get a better understanding of your audience.

1.Create buyer personas

A buyer persona is a model personality of a typical customer of your product. Buyer personas aren’t actual customers, rather fictional personalities made to represent different types of your customers.  You  can  create  personalized  content  for  each  buyer  persona  in  order  to  make  it relatable to your audience.


  1. Listen Closely to your Audience


You can get a better understanding of  your target audience by paying close attention to your existing customer base. By analyzing their feedback, comments and suggestions, you can change your content and also your product accordingly to provide them with a better experience. This won’t only give you better insights in to your existing customers but also attract new ones.


  1. Observe the competition


Observe your competitors and where they succeed, but most importantly where they aren’t very successful, so that you can clear of such practices.  Your competitor’s audience comprises of your potential customers. Analysing these things can give you a clear framework on how to approach your audience.


  1. Create Surveys

This is perhaps the most direct way to get to know your audience. You can ask your customers very specific questions or  general questions. This feedback can be used to define your target audience.

Here’s how you can utilize your audience awareness into creating successful content.


  1. For the best strategy possible


The first thing most marketers do when developing content is formulate a sound strategy. Once your target audience is identified, you’re able to set clear goals relating to their needs.  This will be significant in determining which approach to take, whether an email campaign would suit your target audience better or will a sponsored Instagram post would do the trick.  This would provide you the platform to plan ahead.


Based on reactions of the target audience and how they behave in relation to your content is how you can understand and analyze your audience further and turn them into paying customers.







2.Know your way through


When you know who you’re creating content for, it gives you a clear direction. It makes the entire process less complicated. Once the necessary information is provided on the target audience, you can get to know more about your audience on the go based on their reactions and behavior. This way you’ll always know what to do next.


3.Cost efficiency


Advertising  and  Promotion  of  your  content  won’t  come  cheap.  Naturally  all  marketers try  to make the most out of the money spent. This could be achieved very easily when you know your audience. Because when you think in the point of view of your target audience, you can predict when and where your customers are goanna be and how they behave. Which will give you an idea  on  which  platforms  to  use  and  at  what  times.  Promoting  tailor  made  content  for  your audience would be much more effective.


  1. Build up a relationship with your customers.


“People like people who’re like them”

The way you give directions to someone trying to get to you from afar in a bus isn’t the same way you give directions to someone close by on foot. Similarly, when you personalize your content to make it as relatable as possible to your audience, they automatically build up a relationship with you. Which will gradually convert them into paying customers.


Discovering your Audience can be a bit complicated but it’s essential to make the most  out of your content and continuously grow your audience. You can always evaluate how effective your content is using different tools like the ‘Surge Benchmark tool’


And learn more on how to capitalize on your audience and more at the ‘surge Academy’.

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