Being organized is Being in Control 

All of us are probably sick and tired of hearing the word PANDEMIC,  like come on, isn’t this thing ever going to end???

No matter what happens we still need life to go on and for us to do what we always did. Life sure must go on, catering to the new normal of course. 

One of the main aspects of lifting your spirits is by understanding the situation and trying out new ways to keep your focus. You’ll need some self pampering  to relax your mind, body and soul. 

If your surroundings portrait a negative, unhealthy, messy environment your mind would never be able to bring out its creativity. 

The best way to do so is by being a minimalist , decluttering  and getting rid of the unnecessary and having a designated place for everything around you. Remove things that can be toxic so that you’ll only focus on positivity and those that will rekindle the many hidden talents within you. 

Let’s look at ways to de stress, declutter and detoxify around us

  1. Plan, plan and plan – nothing can ever go wrong if you have a plan and work accordingly 
  2. Look around and remove anything that doesn’t spark an interest within you. 
  3. Gift or donate anything you have two or more of. 
  4. Stay healthy,  hydrated and fit
  5. Listen 

Plan, plan and plan

What better way to stay focused and organized than planning. It saves a lot of time and effort when we plan and prioritize what we ought to do. It can even help prevent a huge messy situation. Also when we plan, get done and tick off once it is over the satisfaction is priceless. You’ll never regret forgetting things if you put them down in the first place. 

Removing the things that don’t bring out a spark

Look around for cues of things that have been laying around for years and you haven’t touched. Be it books, clothing, old keepsakes, stationery,  accessories to anything you find, have a look at them individually. If they don’t have a soft spot within you then it is time to either gift it, donate or discard it. 

Gift, donate of discard

You’ll never know the worth of something you’ve had in possession for years until you’ve gifted it. Our likes and interests vary from person to person. Therefore what was once your clutter could be a dream come true to another. We are drawn to pretty colourful things in life. Things such as accessories add glamour to our sense of fashion and we end up with more of the same thing. Too much of anything becomes good for nothing. If you could find someone and treat them with compassion, you are then regarded as the best of the best beings. To donate and help someone less fortunate can bring about a lot of happiness and prosperity into your own life. And what better way to get rid of than discard something that is broken, torn or cannot be fixed. But be mindful to dispose them off rightly. 

Health, hygiene and fitness

For better living we must take care of our body as well. Only then would we be both physically and mentally prepared to move forward in life and make the right decisions. Switch to nutritious diet plans that will not only keep you healthy but also fit. Starving yourself is not staying healthy.  Research and identify your body type. You also can seek professional help. 

Staying clean can help you overcome a lot of unnecessary illnesses. But be careful when trying out cleanliness and hygiene products out there. Some of them can be very harmful. Choose what suits you best. Remember you are beautiful in any shape, form or size. To be hygienic doesn’t mean you need to rip your hair , skin or bone. 


Listen, listen to yourself,  your inner voice. If it has got something to tell you then LISTEN. No one knows you better than yourself. If you are trying to force yourself to try something out and your gut feeling says otherwise, reconsider,  give it a break and come back and try again. If it is saying hell no, then definitely that is not meant to be. 

Listen to your soul. If it ain’t satisfied look for ways you could please it. Recess situations and goals you focus on. If it actually doesn’t bring you any happiness or satisfaction, why waste time. Instead focus on the things that let You be You. Look for ways to explore what’s hidden deep within you. Look for things to do that’ll bring out the creative weirdo in you. 

Life is a journey,  make the best of the time you are here. Now go get de-stressed, detoxified and decluttering!

By Amana Ifthikar Fawaz

Post by Chokolaate

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