Rushen Bandaranayake- Head Prefect of Trinity College Kandy –

July 16, 2024

Blog Post



Rushen Bandaranayake- Head Prefect of Trinity College Kandy – Article by Thamali Wijekoon


  1. Can you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am Rushen Bandaranayake from Trinity College, Kandy. I am 18 years of age and the youngest in my family. My two brothers were also at Trinity and we are proud to be the 5th generation at College. I am in the commerce stream of the A/L class. My passion is rugby and I have been a member of the college 1st XV rugby squad since 2022. I enjoy outdoor activities and listening to music. I am interested in pursuing International Relations and diplomatic services. I have been appointed as the Senior Prefect (Head Prefect) of the College for the year 2024.


     2. What is the structure of the Prefects’ Guild of your school and how does the process of selecting the Head Prefect take place?

The structure of the Prefects’ guild is that at 1st year of A/Ls approximately 45 to 48 students will be nominated by their respective house teachers/ masters with a record sheet of their achievements and contributions to the house. On these recommendations the college administration will appoint them as School officer nominees to work under the Prefects of the previous batch. Subsequently these nominees will be confirmed as School officers. The following year out of the school officers 10 to 14 students will be chosen to be appointed as Prefects. Here the recommendations will come from the senior prefect (Head Prefect) , Teachers and Masters and also the house teachers and masters. Out of these 10 to 14 prefects a thorough review will be done, and recommendations will be taken by the outgoing Senior Prefects/ Prefects, Senior academic staff members and the subject teachers /masters of the nominated student/s for the post. Finally, the Principal, together with the two Vice Principals will take the decision of appointing the Senior Prefect (Head Prefect) based on the recommendations. The criteria does not limit only to academics or sports. It is a culmination of all areas including conduct, discipline, personality and most importantly the leadership qualities exhibited by the individual over a period of time.


       3. Can you summarize your role in three words?

To summarize my role in three words would be to be patient, understanding yet firm to always safeguard the good name of the college and its students.


        4. Did you always want to become the Head Prefect of your school?

Well, I didn’t always want to be the Senior Prefect (Head Prefect) but I did like to emulate the seniors and I always strived to become of that high caliber of Trinitian. I believe that trying to live up to the high standards set by the seniors helped me mould myself to be a better Trinitian and helped me to this position.


        5. Did you have a vision for your tenure? How did you bring it to life?

My vision for my tenure is to continue the excellent work done by my predecessor A M JAMEEL and take it to the next level. Trinity has a rich history of over 150 years. We as the chosen leaders of the student body must take it upon ourselves to instill and inculcate the importance of the continuity of the traditions and values of our alma mater passed down to us through generations. It is my vision and mission to do so by leading by example and help each and every Trinitian that leave the gates of Trinity to be an exemplary citizen of our country.


        6. What extracurricular activities are you involved in and in your experience, as a student holding a leading position in your school, what importance do you attach to the same?

My main focus was Rugby which takes a lot of my time. The level of commitment expected is very high. Nevertheless, I have engaged myself in various other activities on and off the field to assist both college and my house. What’s important is to step up when needed irrelevant of how good or bad you are at that particular activity. What I have always been taught by my parents and the two older brothers is that no matter how important or insignificant the task may be, to do it to the very best of my ability. This principle has no doubt helped me in every aspect and as I head the School Officers’ Guild, it helps me to look into every minute detail and perfect ourselves every day and keep improving too.


        7. What qualities do you think a good Head Prefect should possess?

The most important quality one should have as a leader is to set the standard and lead by example. This will naturally bring acceptance and respect from everyone around you. My predecessor told me it’s important to be kind but firm, which I believe is also important when being a leader. Most often doing the right thing may not bring you popularity but what’s important is to showcase the importance of taking decisions and standing firm for the right things irrespective of whether you are singled out or not. If it’s the right and just decision eventually everyone will begin to acknowledge it. As a leader one must never waver in doing the right thing merely to fit in or blend in with the others.


        8. What are your hopes for the coming year?

Hopes and aspirations for the last year of college are many. We as the School Officers’ Guild hope to unite and inspire the juniors and pass on the best to them to continue the legacy of Trinity College. Where rugby is concerned it goes without saying that we are hungry to win back the Bradby after 2014. We will look to the end. “Respice Finem


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